Ddr5 sk hynix 32gb 5600 single mode vs kingston fury ddr5 2x16gb 5200 dual


Active member
Nov 7, 2021
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Hi, I recently got a new laptop that come with 1 x 32gb stick of sk hynix ram, 5600 think it's cl42 which would run in single mode.

I was tiling of upgrading to 32gb of kingston impact ram but with 2 sticks 2 x 16gb It is 5600 ram but I read my laptop with so it down to 5200 in dial mode? Will that matter? The specs for the kingston show as cl40.

I wonder if I will see any difference at all by upgrading this to dual rank with a faster CL etc The kingston ram also has on die ecc.

Regards James

The Shadow 2023

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Jan 22, 2023
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I know I'll get kickback from saying this, but, "Avoid Kingston ram, at all costs".
Get Crucial/Micron ram if you can. It's the very highest Quality ram you can buy.
If I get a new (used) PC with Kingston ram in it, that ram goes in the trash, and gets replace by Crucial/Micron ram, and I never have a RAM problem.

Just a little advise from an old Computer TECH.

Shadow :cool:


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2023
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The only time I had an issue with Crucial was with a Dell Dimension 2650 Desktop, ordered new RAM for an upgrade and it didn't work. Turned out they had shipped for a 2600 Series but the 2650 had a change and used a different module. I have OEM computers with Hynix that work quite well, Just junked a Win10 Desktop from 2010 that had 4 x 2GB GSkill Ripjaws modules [pretty red], saved for perhaps future use.