Just me


New member
Oct 11, 2021
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I've heard so much negative things about Windows 11 in the months and weeks leading up to its release. And none of it is true.

I signed on here in the hopes that I can help others filter out the good from the bad, and at the same time learn something myself.

Glad to be here.


Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score
Welcome aboard @Dzomlija :). There are loads of good things about Windows 11, so I wouldn't just listen to the negative comments - I'm loving it so far :).


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2021
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It/Windows forums attract dedicated enthusiastic nerds such as myself. We haunt the forums, very much to offer help where able, but also to examine pluses and minuses of the variety of items bring discussed, an offer our own opinions.
But, the bottom line. Ifnyou put all of the forum users together, we are still a very small representation of worldwide users.
With good intent by Microsoft, Windows 11 has been made difficult for older computers to use. This has upset the millions of desktop users in that category.
In fact, I have used it through a large part of its test phase, and am now “playing “ with it in its full release form.To date, I find nothing wrong with it.
my own comment might be the sameness of it!

I fully understand that it has greatly it has greatly improved security. This is mainly orientated around hardware, not the OS - but this, Windows 11 is designed to make full use of. If, like myself, you mske use of the hack, offered by MS themselves, to run the program on inadequate hardware, you are not getting the benefit of this improvement. Ditto there orientation around the latest CPUs. If you had a Windows 10 computer, running with that new hardware, I doubt you would find many differences in performance. - many wel know inerfaces now shuffled around - little else.
ultimately, if you have one of those newer computers, why not move on!
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