So, he decided to do it for me. -- ONLY he didn't write down the username or password, and then
forgot them. I have discovered that he crossed the the two userids I use, with the result I don't own
the resulting userID nor do I have the password for it.
Attempts by asking for Windows help gets question of "Your last Email?" (none via the Unowned ID)
followed by the Help line refusing to help.
Is there a way for me to Reset the USERID & PASSWORD on Windows 11?
I cannot get to the app store, or use email on Windows11 now
forgot them. I have discovered that he crossed the the two userids I use, with the result I don't own
the resulting userID nor do I have the password for it.
Attempts by asking for Windows help gets question of "Your last Email?" (none via the Unowned ID)
followed by the Help line refusing to help.
Is there a way for me to Reset the USERID & PASSWORD on Windows 11?
I cannot get to the app store, or use email on Windows11 now