Unable to log in due to PIN issue and no internet connection after BIOS update


New member
Aug 13, 2024
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I recently updated the BIOS on my Windows 11 PC and now I can't log in using my PIN. I receive the message, "Your PIN is no longer available due to a change to the security settings on this device. Click to set up your PIN again." The only option available is to "Set up my PIN," but I can't connect to the internet via WiFi or Ethernet, which I suspect may be due to missing drivers for my MSI motherboard.

I've tried using regedit to set up a passwordless device, which has now given me a password sign-in option. However, I’m prompted that "Your device is offline. Please sign in with the last password used on this device." I can't use the "I forgot my password" option as it says, "We can't sign you in because the network isn't available. Make sure your device is connected to the Internet and try again." All my other devices are connected to the internet, so the issue seems to be specific to this PC.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated as this is preventing me from accessing my work.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
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I would check with PC vender to see if you have right BIOS mine offers two 32 and 64 bit I have 64, been careful when I do a update. but you might want to run this administrator prompt command. Right click start button on task bar look for terminal ( Admin) launch that app click yes to access your system (now you're in DOS) then use this command SFC /scannow - copy and paste into "flashing" owner curser line then hit enter. It will take a while if it finds any errors it will tell you if it fixed issues


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