Win 11 using highest resolution makes screens unuseable


Mar 20, 2023
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I bought a new comouter to tun windows 11. Nothing special compared to my old win 10 which had lots of drives and two 24 inch screens. Its a Lenovo 15 inch laptop. When it arrived it was running windows 10 and worked perfectly. Then it updated to windows 11. It did warn me that the OS was not yet a releaseable version but I carried on regardless. That was late November 2022. Now its March 2023 and it has taken me all that time to get not a lot working on windows 11 despite lots of updates..
It installed at the maximum resolution that my laptop is capable of. Which means that the text size is about 2 point and completely unuseable on a 15 inch screen.. After a while I threw the computer on the desl and used my Linux machine instead. Recently I decided there must be somethiong wrong with the machine and wrote to Lenovo UK. They had had thousands of questions on the topic..
They advised me to set my reolution down to around 1300 instaed of the 1900 it could manage.. This assisted greatly but still did not solve the problem completely. Many updates later there seems to have been a change, but most programs did not run in windows11 - including my bank software. Even now the most used keys on this machine arr Ctrl+ and Ctrl-.
Did not the host of windows insider geeks not test this basic function? As a programmmer for many large companies since 1985 I have written in many languages from Linux, Machine code, HTML turbo and normal pascal. to name a few. It suprises me that a team of thousands of windows testers have not checked out that the program will work on all types of computers. Or that it will select a resolution that is unuseable on a well known make of lap top. Should have been tested by lots of little old ladies using lap tops. I always used my wife who cannot even send an email on her phone to test my work. If she could use it then it was right. Microsoft should take note.
So please get the thing to warn people when they have installed it to try it in various resolutions before thinking of junking their new machines. Some people dont have perfect eysight but even folk that have, cannot use a 2 point text size for anything.


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2022
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I agree with you that this is not acceptable and have full compassion for you !

Even if this is certainly not the best solution, I'd like to propose to you however a little gem. Do you know "Display Changer 2", which will change the resolution per program (i.e. when you open it, you can have a different resolution for every program) ? It does so by modifyng the shortcut to open it. I like it at lot !

There is a new version called "Display changer X" which now seems to be a Microsoft app (and you need to pay for it), but you can still find the old version, for instance here:

Perhaps a second best solution ?



Well-known member
Feb 27, 2023
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Two things are mentioned that are pertinent, one is not yet a releaseable version and the other is windows insider, both of these indicate the installed Operating System is in the BETA/Testing program and as such there will be problems that should be reported to the Insider Preview program. Also, a new computer, whether Desktop or Notebook/Laptop should not be sold with a prerelease version of the OS which makes one wonder how it got installed. I got a new Notebook Oct. '21 with Win10 Pro and a Desktop Apr. '22 with Win10 Pro, both upgraded to Win11 Pro after setup and all the Win10 updates installed, no issue. In the last 2 months I was given a Desktop and a Notebook [as part payment for my labor], that I rebuilt and work fine with Win11 Home.


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