Printer error occurred. F0.01.01.02. A critical error has occurred

May 8, 2024
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I bought a new HP laptop in August 2023 running Windows 11. Recently, my old HP printer stopped working, so I replaced it with the HP OfficeJet Pro 9130e. Initially, tere was a successful Wi-Fi connection, but then it reported being unconfigured or disconnected, and ultimately showed as offline despite being powered on and with a solid blue Wi-Fi signal.
I've tried various troubleshooting steps: unplugging everything, clearing the print queue, remote assistance from HP, where the technician's test prints worked fine. However, the issue resurfaced the following day.
This situation is critical for my home-based business, and I need a solution urgently. I've received the following error message twice: "Printer error occurred. F0.01.01.02. A critical error has occurred. Restart the printer and try again. If the problem persists, contact your support representative. FW Version"
Do you know any solutions? Thank you!


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2023
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I no longer have a critical need but have an HP LaserJet Pro M148 and HP OfficeJet Pro 9015. Because of the need more than 20 years ago [and earlier printers] I set both up connected to my Wireless Router via Ethernet cable. No one computer has to be on and any computer accessing the Router whether Wired or Wireless/Wi-Fi can see the printers and install their software. Win10, Win11 and Linux Mint have been good in detecting the printers and installing the basics. Having worked in computer services for those years I've found it more reliable to use Wired connections when possible.

Xploit Machine

Well-known member
Nov 29, 2022
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Uncheck this (Screenshot Below), download the whole "SOFTWARE" not only driver .. it wil give you solution ;)



Oct 25, 2023
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Hi @tableavalanche3

Here are a couple of things to try:
  1. Firmware Update: Check the HP support site for the latest firmware for your printer.
  2. Reinstall Software: Uninstall the current printer software and reinstall the full package from HP’s website.
  3. Same Wi-Fi Network: Ensure both your printer and laptop are on the same Wi-Fi network. Restarting the router might help.
  4. Static IP: Set a static IP for your printer in your router's settings.
If the problem persists, contact HP support again and mention the error code (F0.01.01.02). They might have a specific fix.

Hope this helps!

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