Windows 11 won't boot after restart


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Sep 8, 2021
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I installed windows 11, and on the next day, I started my PC and now the following happens : when I turn on my computer, the logo of my motherboard manufacturer ( gigabyte) shows with the keys for bios etc, after that, the windows spinning dots show for a few seconds and then everything disappears and I am left with a black screen. and then a message used to show saying "Reboot and select proper boot device, or insert boot media in selected boot device" in my bios, the boot order is correct. I've tried installing windows 10 via USB, but to no avail, all that shows is the basic menu asking whether to install 64 bit, 32 bit or windows memory diagnostic, the same spinning dots show after 64 bit and 32 bit installs and then the screen goes black again, when I've run the windows memory diagnostic, I left the computer to do its thing and when I came back, it was the same black screen again, I assume that it had finished but yeah, I don't know what to do. Can anyone offer any advice?


Sep 1, 2021
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How many hard drives do you have? If you have more than one it is possible that Windows has installed the boot files to a different drive to the actual Windows installation. To test this theory go into your Bios and choose the Windows Boot Loader as 1st boot option whatever drive it is on and try to restart Windows. If it reboots ok, then you know that's the cause. Disconnect all other drives but your install drive and install from scratch. It is possible to add the boot files to the actual Windows drive with the instructions below -

You can open an Administrative command prompt and type the command below to place boot files in the C partition. Make sure and put spaces where indicated or copy and paste the commands.

bcdboot c:\windows /s c:

Then shut your system down and disconnect the other drive. During reboot, make sure drive 0 is set as the primary boot device. The system should now boot normally but you may not have recovery options available.

Good Luck M8



Well-known member
Aug 1, 2021
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I have seen similar on a Gigabyte Mobo. This was during that 2 week period when you could install w11 on any machine if you were ALREADY AN INSIDER and do it without fiddling with the registry. The boot drive was incorrectly partitioned for W11.

The answer was a complete reinstall from USB and by complete I mean actually disconnecting all drives but C and on C deleting all partitions and letting Windows assign partitions as it wanted, then it was OK until MS stopped allowing W11 updates to incompatible PCs ( no TPMS in this case)

A total pain.



New member
Sep 20, 2021
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I've had this similar thing happen to me just yesterday.

Not to say that the circumstances are exactly the same but in my case, as a solution, I tried creating a Windows 10 installer media using GPT scheme via Rufus to reinstall Windows. This was all going well, only to have Rufus present a warning that my Windows 11 PC was using MBR instead of GPT, despite my changing of the partition table schemes on all my drives beforehand.

Probably, as user tpl says, it looks like a thing with Gigabyte motherboards and the Rufus leads me to believe it's CSM support in the BIOS. My meaning is that it is confusing that it is require to have CSM support enabled (or maybe not?) to at first convert to GPT, but then after all drives are GPT closing it support is OK.

TLDR: To solve the issue I disabled CSM support in the BIOS settings (Gigabyte GA-AB350N, by the way) and in the end I did not have to reinstall Windows 10.

Hope this helps!
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New member
Oct 7, 2021
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I installed windows 11, and on the next day, I started my PC and now the following happens : when I turn on my computer, the logo of my motherboard manufacturer ( gigabyte) shows with the keys for bios etc, after that, the windows spinning dots show for a few seconds and then everything disappears and I am left with a black screen. and then a message used to show saying "Reboot and select proper boot device, or insert boot media in selected boot device" in my bios, the boot order is correct. I've tried installing windows 10 via USB, but to no avail, all that shows is the basic menu asking whether to install 64 bit, 32 bit or windows memory diagnostic, the same spinning dots show after 64 bit and 32 bit installs and then the screen goes black again, when I've run the windows memory diagnostic, I left the computer to do its thing and when I came back, it was the same black screen again, I assume that it had finished but yeah, I don't know what to do. Can anyone offer any advice?
Try to disable secure boot and fast boot option in the bios, for me worked well



New member
Oct 23, 2021
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I've had this similar thing happen to me just yesterday.

Not to say that the circumstances are exactly the same but in my case, as a solution, I tried creating a Windows 10 installer media using GPT scheme via Rufus to reinstall Windows. This was all going well, only to have Rufus present a warning that my Windows 11 PC was using MBR instead of GPT, despite my changing of the partition table schemes on all my drives beforehand.

Probably, as user tpl says, it looks like a thing with Gigabyte motherboards and the Rufus leads me to believe it's CSM support in the BIOS. My meaning is that it is confusing that it is require to have CSM support enabled (or maybe not?) to at first convert to GPT, but then after all drives are GPT closing it support is OK.

TLDR: To solve the issue I disabled CSM support in the BIOS settings (Gigabyte GA-AB350N, by the way) and in the end I did not have to reinstall Windows 10.

Hope this helps!
I have no idea what CSM Support is but your solution worked for me. THANK YOU!



May 26, 2022
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You are an absolute life savor!!! I battled and battled and was ready to give up.out of last ditch desperation I read your comments on the gigabyte motherboard so I thought why not? I deactivated and instant gratification.. thankyou so much!!


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