Need help with getting wifi to enable encryption with ipv4 and ipv6


New member
Mar 20, 2022
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Hello all, I recently reloaded my os due to multiple very buggy behaviors and everything is good, except for some odd reason I cannot get my wifi connection to be encrypted.

I had no problem setting my Ethernet connection to be encrypted, via manually changing the DNS servers and using the drop down menu and select the Encrypted only (DNS over HTTPS) option, however the option was missing for the wifi.

I read that you may need to go in to the control panel and change the DNS addresses, which I did, and then the requisite red lettered "The DNS settings for all Wi-Fi networks have been set. The settings below won't be saved" appeared but I still do not have the drop down box to pick encryption, its missing entirely.

I flushed the DNS and rebooted but still no luck.

I had encryption enabled for all network adapters in both ipv4 & 6 prior to reloading Windows, so I am kinda embarrassed I cant figure this out...

Networking is kinda a weak point for me, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated?

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