Bios update failing


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2022
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I have a problem with a BIOs update.

My computer has a Gigabyte motherboard with an American Megatrend (AMI) Bios !

I recently got a message from Intel that my PC could be vulnerable:

I run the CSME detection tool from Intel, and it said I should update my Bios. (As you can see in the link, my CPU, "Alder Lake 12th generation" is on the list)

Looking at the Gigabyte Bios download page, I fould that there was effectively a newer Bios which claimed to have updated CPUID Microcode,
see F27:


I downloaded the Bios and tried to flash my existing one (which is F 22)!

But it does not work !

It first didn't work, because I got the message, that a driver was not signed.
So I removed "secure boot" in my Bios and tried again.

But this time the flash utility in the Bios said it could not read the new Bios file.

I re-downloades the file, but same issue !

Then I thought I should perhaps go to the AMI Bios page (because the Gigabyte motherboard has an AMI Bios).

But this page very clearly says, that in such a case (same situation: Gigabyte motherboard with AMI Bios), I should go to the Gigabyte download page.
It says: Only when you are in Case 2, you can perform the American Megatrends BIOS update.
But I am in case one !

And now I am out of ideas !

Any advice from your side ?


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2022
Reaction score
Hi Joe,
thank you for this !

But it was my fault ! In the downloaded BIOS folder, which I put on an USB key were several files.
And in the flash utility was an option to specify which one of the files in the folder the utility should use, which I hadn't seen.
That's why the flash utility said, that it couldn't read the file.
Everything is fine now !

The CSME detection tool now says: This PC is not vulnerable. It has already been patched !


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